QSBS Gain Exclusion: The Benefits

Tax Free Income
Tax Free Income

Qualified small business stock (QSBS) gain exclusion allows shareholders of qualified small businesses to exclude 100% of the gain on the sale of their stock, provided they have held the stock for more than five years. This exclusion can be a valuable tool for investors in small businesses, as it can significantly reduce their tax liability on the sale of the business. The QSBS gain exclusion is also a key component of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) “Angel Investor” program, which provides tax incentives for investors in small businesses.

Qualified small business stock (QSBS) gain exclusion offers taxpayers a way to exclude 100% of the gain on the sale of QSBS acquired after September 27, 2010 and held for more than five years. The exclusion applies to both C-Corporations and S-Corporations. However, there are a few requirements that must be met in order for the stock to be considered qualified. The QSB stock gain exclusion can also provide variety of benefits to small businesses and their investors, including:

  1. Increased Access to Capital: The QSBS gain exclusion can provide small businesses with increased access to capital by making investments in small businesses more attractive to potential investors. This is because the exclusion can significantly reduce the tax liability of investors on the sale of their investment, making it a more attractive investment.
  2. Lower Risk for Investors: The QSBS gain exclusion can also lower the risk for investors by making it more likely that they will see a return on their investment. This is because the exclusion can help to offset the capital gains taxes that would otherwise be owed on the sale of the investment, making it a less risky investment.
  3. Tax Incentives for Investing in Small Businesses: The QSBS gain exclusion is also a key component of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) “Angel Investor” program, which provides tax incentives for investors in small businesses. The program provides a tax credit of up to $5 million for investments in small businesses, which can be used to offset the capital gains taxes that would otherwise be owed on the sale of the investment.
  4. Increased Economic Activity: The QSBS gain exclusion can also help to increase economic activity by making investments in small businesses more attractive. This is because the exclusion can help to encourage investment in small businesses, which can lead to increased economic activity and job creation.
  5. Increased competitiveness: The qualified small business stock QSBS gain exclusion can also help to increase the competitiveness of small businesses by making them more attractive to potential investors. This is because the exclusion can make small businesses more attractive investment opportunities, which can help to increase their competitiveness.

The QSBS gain exclusion can be a valuable tool for investors in small businesses, as it can significantly reduce their tax liability on the sale of the business. The QSBS gain exclusion is also a key component of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) “Angel Investor” program. The program can help to increase the competitiveness of small businesses and encourage investment in small businesses, which can lead to increased economic activity and job creation.

Qualified Small Business Stock Inc
14855 S 46th St., Phoenix, AZ 85044
(480) 734-3758