Section 1202 Capital Gains Exclusion

Small Business Services

Section 1202 Capital Gains Exclusion: What You Need To Know Section 1202 of the tax code allows for a capital gains exclusion on qualified small business stock. This means that if you sell stock in a qualifying small business, you may be able to exclude up to $10 million of the resulting capital gain from […]

Qualified Small Business Stock IRS

Accounting Services

10 Things to Know About Qualified Small Business Stock IRS When it comes to small businesses, the Internal Revenue Service offers a few tax breaks that can help owners keep more of their hard-earned money. One of these is the qualified small business stock IRS deduction, which can be used to exclude a portion of […]

QSBS Meaning

QSBS Accounting

QSBS Meaning: Everything You Need to Know In this article we’ll discuss what are QSBS meaning. QSBS stands for qualified small business specialist and refers to a designation that the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) offers to small business lenders. The purpose of the designation is to encourage lenders to make more loans available […]

Qualified Small Business Stock Exemption

Tax Free Income

How can I Take Advantage of the Qualified Small Business Stock Exemption? The qualified small business stock exemption is a valuable tax break that allows for a 100% exclusion from capital gains tax on the sale of qualifying small business stock. Qualified small business stock exemption is available for gains realized on the sale of […]

QSBS Tax Changes

QSBS Tax Changes

What do You Need to Know About the New QSBS Tax Changes? The new law, which goes into effect on January 1, 2019, allows business owners to take a 20% deduction on their qualified business income. There are some restrictions and requirements that business owners need to be aware of, so be sure to read […]

QSBS Changes

1202 Regulations

How will the New QSBS Changes Impact my Business? Small business owners have a lot to gain from the new Qualified Small Business Stock QSBS changes. The new rules provide 100% exclusion from capital gains taxes on the sale of QSBS, as opposed to the 50% exclusion currently available. This change is effective for sales […]

Tax Code 1202

Qualified Small Business Stocks

What is Tax Code 1202? The tax code 1202 is a complex and often confusing document. It can be difficult to know which section of the code applies to your specific situation. Section 1202 is a provision that allows for the exclusion of gain from the sale of qualified small business stock. This means that […]

Qualifying Small Business Stock

QSBS Accounting

Tips for Qualifying Small Business Stock Qualifying for small business stock can be a great way for entrepreneurs to get started in the stock market. The process of qualifying small business stock can be complex, but there are a few key things to remember. Here’s a quick guide to help you through the process. To […]

QSBS Stacking

Small Business Accounting

What is QSBS Stacking and How can it Help my Business? Small business owners can benefit from understanding QSBS stacking, a process that helps businesses take advantage of tax breaks and other benefits. QSBS stacking is the process of organizing your business finances in a way that allows you to qualify for these benefits. By […]

IRS Code 1202

Qualified Small Business Stock

What You Need to Know about IRS Code 1202 Did you know that there is a section of the IRS tax code that can help you reduce your tax burden? It’s called IRS code 1202, and it allows taxpayers to exclude from their income certain types of gains from the sale of property. If you […]